新竹高鐵分校 Winnie 李主任 




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大里永隆分校 Intensive 1A Amy Chou 媽媽




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Juan & Morris 爸爸


隨著清晨降落的飛機兩週忐忑不安的心情終於結束兩個兒子參加弋果美語的NASA 太空營到美國的行程讓兩個小孩有第一次的美國行也有了與太空世界第一次的近距離認識


透過HASSE的照片看到孩子第一週在當地有機會參與當地博物館以及親身體驗大聯盟棒球賽事對孩子是很棒的視野開拓。此外在A&M University有機會解剖鯊魚、觀察羊心臟等,這真是酷斃的醫學系等級的實驗。還有在細胞實驗室DeBakey Cell Lab的生物細胞觀察以及iFly的飛行體驗這些操作資源讓身為家長的我感受務實教育的重要性單向知識的吸收已經敵不過Google大神, 如何讓孩子具備競爭力更加令人省思



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瞭解更多課程內容  http://www.eagletw.com/hasse/course.html

或電洽 諮詢專線5635733 分機188

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2019年適逢全美國歡慶人類登月50周年!今年弋果專團為台灣唯一出團前往美國NASA兩大太空中心,並獨家安排專業外籍老師全程帶團領隊! 名額有限!搶進最後5名太空席次,把握4/19早鳥優惠以及弋果說明會專屬優惠價!台北場4/14熱情召開中!



NASA x HASSE初階太空學校】課程資訊

研習地點: 美國德州休士頓及阿拉巴馬州亨茨維爾 兩大NASA太空中心


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竹北 Jim.jpg

This summer I participated in the Space Camp with Eagle and it was super fun! I’ll tell you now. When I have my feet stepped on America, I only had one feeling in my heart. It was: I’ll start my Camp on my own now! We went to the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Inside we saw the team capsule hanging on the wall. It was very cool! We also saw the robot that was for helping the astronauts to do their work in space’s zero gravity. There was also the space shuttle’s model inside the museum! The coolest thing in the Space Center was the Apollo Program’s Mission Control Center! We saw all the old computers used for the missions.

Then was the Space and Rocket Center located in Huntsville. The first thing we saw when we walked into it was the 1:1 space shuttle model shown in the park outside. Then the teachers took us to the lodge to let us put down our luggage. Because it was morning, the next thing we did was go to eat our breakfast. It was like a buffet in the galley. You might think there was only us inside, right? But, inside there were already some people inside. They also had a two-week space camp in America. The highest thing outside was not the shuttle model. It was the Saturn V Rocket Model. It was 1:1, so it’s super high. There was also another rocket model outside. That was the Saturn 1B Rocket. That’s not all. Beside the Saturn V, there was also a museum called the Davidson Center for Space Exploration. Inside was the REAL Saturn V rocket! Its length was about 145 meters long.

Then one day we made and launched our rocket! The center has their own rocket launch site, so every team makes a rocket to launch. On the launch day, everyone was excited to launch their rockets! Our team’s rocket went all the way up to the sky. Then it fell to the ground. Because it had an engine inside, when we went to pick it, the rocket smelled stinky.

But the most fun thing we did at the center was to have a task. I became the one at Mission Control! My work was to give astronauts commands. Inside the room we used some facilities to control the status of the spacecraft or the astronauts. We had some problems in the mission, but everyone worked together to fix the problem. Everyone participated hard on the mission!

We also experienced the feeling you’ll feel on the moon! Because the gravity is different from Earth, it’s hard to walk probably.

I have fun at the space camp, but if I didn’t come to learn at Eagle, I wouldn’t be able to talk with the teachers without a Chinese teacher! I also must thank my parents for paying the money to let me have a super fun experience this summer vacation!


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松山敦化校 Standard 3D Bobo 尹梓羽


The summer before last year, my dad and mom brought me and my sister to America for summer vacation.We went to a seven day summer camp. It was difficult for me and my sister because we had to speak English instead of Chinese.
On the first day of the camp, the teachers gave everyone a nickname, so it was easier to remember everyone. My nickname was Boba, because it is similar to my real name Bobo and the other reason is that I like to drink bubble tea.
We saw a lot of animals around the campsite, since it was located on a hill. We saw squirrels and birds all the time. Sometimes we could also see rabbits. We saw a doe walking its fawn through our campsite, and our teacher said we were very lucky because it is very rare to see deer in the campsite.
Exploring the camp’s bear cave was the scariest event. We had to walk carefully on the paths while our teachers told us some stories about the bears. Some of the caves, were hard to climb so we were very nervous and we had to be very careful until we went back to the campsite.
On the last day of camp, our parents were invited to the campsite to see our daily activities in the camp. We had different groups and each one had different performances, including a small concert and singing songs. We performed a drama in our group that was very fun to rehearse and practice.
This American vacation was really different than my life in Taiwan. There are three reasons. First, we had our classes outdoor in America which is different than what I do in Taiwan. Second, the camp encouraged confidence, which I learned a lot about while I was in USA. Last but not least, we learned that we can make our own choices. The experience changed the way, my sister, my mom, and I thought. We learned to make our own decisions in America including packing our bags or deciding what to wear.


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桃園中山分校 Emily 楊主任


一次偶然的機會下,參加弋果Open House,用「瞠目結舌」來形容一點都不誇張,每位學生的美語程度都很好,而且滿臉笑容,才明白弋果的孩子因為多頻學習與螺旋式教材,不用帶書回家複習,馬上讓我想推廣這種好的學習方式。因為考量接送學生安全第一,校址選在桃園中山國小正旁邊;使用無毒的裝潢材質,給學生健康安心的環境;甄選具有教育專業與熱誠的美國外師,弋果桃園中山校終於在2018年12月1號開幕!
總部的訓練與輔導,結合我的熱誠終於開始迎接學生,自己從頭到尾的跟著上課,了解到弋果課程安排的循序漸進與完整架構。”Teacher, I don’t want to go home.”,今年冬令營大家玩得不亦樂乎,有位學生原本只報名前五天,因為太喜歡弋果的學習方式,最後續讀營隊並報名學期班。
大家的支持是我辦校的精神支柱,弋果桃園中山校秉持“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”的觀念,期盼帶領小菁鷹飛得更高、看得更遠。



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新竹科園旗艦校 Intensive 5B Morris 爸爸


看到孩子第一週在休士頓參訪當地博物館以及親身體驗大聯盟棒球賽事,對孩子是很棒的視野開拓。在A&M University參與解剖鯊魚、觀察羊心臟…等,真是酷斃的醫學系等級實驗;還有在細胞實驗室DeBakey Cell Lab的生物細胞觀察,以及iFly的飛行體驗,讓身為家長的我感受務實教育的重要性,單向知識吸收已經敵不過Google大神,如何讓孩子具備競爭力更加令人省思。
我們很喜歡孩子帶回來的太空營紀念品-機上睡枕,上面寫著:”WAKE ME WHEN WE GET TO MARS.”人生的旅程就像上火星一樣,不可知的未來雖然充滿挑戰,但是可以充滿趣味。很高興孩子能加入弋果領軍的太空營隊,為孩子的人生增添不同的冒險經歷!



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HASSE太空營_工作區域 1.jpg

4/19前報名享早鳥驚喜價,更多NASA太空學校課程資訊請上網查詢 http://www.eagletw.com/hasse
電話:03-5635733 分機188


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