新竹科園校友 - 苗舒駿

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I was lucky that my dad sent me to Eagle ten years ago, when Eagle just started. On the first day, scarcely had I entered the classroom when I was consumed by anxiety. I still remembered that my first teacher is Jerry, a kind lady. She asked my name and gave me a sticker to soothe me. As a starter who has no passion for learning English at all, I could barely understand what my teacher was trying to tell me. It made me feel like I've been tortured whenever I was sent to Eagle. Even when I was in the playground, where kids were supposed to have fun, I felt like I was in hell because I had to speak English there as well. Day by day, I became frustrated and frightened; I had even attempted to give up on learning English.
After a few weeks, with the teachers' encouragement and fascinating teaching program, I soon was deeply inspired and gained passion for learning English. I started to study English whenever and wherever I could. I loved going to Eagle, especially during summer. I made friends, had fun and learned things. The theme classes made my summer vacations extraordinary and meaningful. We made crafts, went on field trips, had scientific experiments and even acted in plays since I went to Eagle, I have never faltered whenever I have to speak English to foreigners. As a student who has never been abroad learning English, I think, without doubt, Eagle succeed in bringing kids in Taiwan originality and passion for English.
I appreciate all the teachers in Eagle. This summer, I came back to Eagle as a part time worker, trying to make his contributions. Not until I came back did I know how hard the teachers in Eagle work. They managed to do everything for the kids so that they could have fun and learn as well. I regretted so much being so naughty when I was a kid. This time, I hope I could bring my passion to the kids and lead them. I truly believe that the best place to send kids to for learning English would be American Eagle hands down. Thank you all, teachers in American Eagle.

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新竹科園分校 - 潘芝羽



It is common to see many food stands clumped together in a tiny area of space in Taiwan but there is something exquisite about Hsinchu's Cheng Huang Miao. Located beside the intersection of three or four roads in downtown, Cheng Huang Miao is constantly bombarded by hungry customers with pockets full of change. With prices ranging from around thirty to forty NT dollars, each plate of food is not only affordable but extremely delicious. Two of the main ingredients used in many dishes is pepper and chili; this gives the food a spicy tang which excites your taste buds and makes your heart beat faster.





 There is much competition in Cheng Huang Miao because some of the stands sell the same dishes. Consequently, customers are allowed to choose which stores to eat at for certain dishes. There is no time limit to how long you can ‘shop around' for food, only a competition for seats to sit on. With the cheap prices and multitude of choices, you can spend one 100 NT bill and be filled with Hsinchu's best specialties such as Tsao Rice Noodles, Chinese Meatball Soup and Oyster Omelet. If you are a frequent visitor or a Hsinchu local, you can still find new things to try such as Lemon-flavored Sugar Cane juice, the traditional but delicious vegetable roll, Ah-Chong ice and even pink fish balls! There is more to the crowded food stands of Cheng Huang Miao than meets the eye; take a step inside the narrow walkway and experience the delicacies of Hsinchu, the windy city.


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台南崇學分校-Teacher Mark
Peter Pan: Adventures in Acting Last month, Eagle's summer camp was drama. The student's ranging in age from 6-12 performed the classic play, "Peter Pan". The students, who had limited acting experience, worked hard and rehearsed daily for more than two weeks. As well as rehearsing, the students were also responsible for making their own props and some pieces of their costumes. The students had to overcome their stage-fright and perform in front of their parents and other bystanders. They did a fantastic job! Not only did they perform well, they also performed in a language that is not their first. As their teacher (and director) I am very proud of them and of what they accomplished!
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所有可敬的演出人員!最右手邊的當然就是我們即將問鼎奧斯卡最佳導演獎的Teacher Mark囉!


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The typhoon has become bigger and faster. Bringing heavy rain to parts of the island tomorrow,

but on Friday and Saturday, the typhoon will hit the island bringing heavy showers to every city.

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聽著孩子隨意用英語跟我分享在弋果的點點滴滴,今天跟外師Teacher Dale 有什麼互動,在中師複習時間將不懂的句子弄清楚而洋洋得意,班上哪個孩子做了好笑的事,女兒跟好朋友分享了什麼,看著大女兒開心的表情,不用問,也清楚的知道她又過了快樂的一天。



聽得小女兒直吵著要去弋果,看著我們家大女兒很正經且驕傲地跟妹妹說: 妹妹等你大一點就可以去弋果了!



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 新竹科園旗艦校 Sophia




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來自台北內湖分校的「Eagle News 創刊號 






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來自台北內湖分校的「Eagle News 創刊號 




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