頭份建國分校 Standard 3A Yi-Hsuan
One day, I was going to a mountain and saw a cave. I went to the cave and saw a notice: “Death or life.” So I kept going and threw a stone, then I saw there was a huge cave down some steps in the floor. I went to the cave in the floor. It was quiet, but then I saw the entrance to the cave was closed! Then I knew I cannot get out of the cave. I looked everywhere and found a question: “△+□=○, △+□+○=□, ○+□=△+○ ,△=3, □=? ①17 ②12 ③14 ④11” I chose ② and saw the wall crack open. I could see things through the crack. Then I saw a sleeping beast and behind it was a big diamond! So I quickly tiptoed past the monster. Suddenly, the monster was awake. It chased me around and around. I used a camera to take a picture of the monster. The monster was surprised because of the light from the camera. So I dashed and used the diamond to break the wall until the wall was broken. Finally, I escaped through the wall and ran down the mountain with the diamond!