新竹關埔旗艦校 Intensive 3B Angela Chen
On Saturday I happily walked to school in the sunny weather. I was in a very happy mood. When I got there, I saw that there were no people. This made me scared, so I quickly walked to my classroom. When I went in, I noticed that a new door had appeared! The door had a small window in it and it was very dark when I looked through it. I didn’t know what to do, but I decided it was best for me to go in and look to see if this was where all my friends had gone. Once I walked through, I was in a new and incredible world! Everything around me was so big and green and it reminded me of a jungle. There were some insects jumping and flying around. Some of the insects were even bigger than me! I thought I would be scared but actually I found it very exciting. A giant butterfly landed next to me. I climbed onto its back and hoped it would let me fly. But it didn’t and all the insects started to get furious with me. They buzzed at me angrily and chased me away. I ran and ran until I reach a big field which had a kind dinosaur in it. The dinosaur saw the insects and roared at them until they flew away frightened. The dinosaur kindly let me sit on it and we walked through the strange world I was in.
As we walked, I saw a little house. The dinosaur and I went over to it and I climbed down from his back. I looked inside the window and I could see all my classmates! I went in and everyone was so happy to see me. I thought that I had been inside the secret door for hours and hours, but once we walked down out of it, it had only been five minutes in the real world. I wonder what will happen next time I go in?