 宜蘭羅東分校 菁英班3A William Lin
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Thursday started out like every other day. Rain, rain and more rain. When I went to school it was raining hard.  The puddles were getting bigger and bigger. I knew this meantwet shoes and socks again. By lunch time the rain was harder and the puddles wereturning into pools. Everybody was so excited. My friends were talking loudly and joking with everybody. There was a lot of excitement in the air. I was starting to worry. The rain wasn’t stopping.

I looked onto the playground and saw it starting to flood. Then the best thing happened, the school was closed. Yay, no afternoon classes! ]By the time my dad came to fetch me from school, the water was already knee deep for me. We were all playing and splashing in the water. Having fun and not realizing what was happening.

Going home I felt a bit scared.  Water was everywhere. When we drove the car water splashed up. I saw many people pushing their scooters. I was hoping that our car wouldn’t get stuck. We turned into a road and it wasn’t a road anymore. It was a river! People were trying to stop the water from going into their stores and houses. We had to turn around and find another way home. It took us a long time to get home. All the roads had turned into rivers.


Eventually we made it home. Our house was lucky. Not too much water outside and no water inside. I was happy to be home and dry. Later hat day I was watching the news and saw what happened in SoAu. I felt very lucky, but at the same time I felt very sorry for the people in SoAu.  was shocked to see so much water.

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    American Eagle


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