彰化民生分校 菁英班4A David Chiang |
Hello everybody, my name is David. I’m twelve years old. I like to play computer games. Today, I’m going to talk about the Universe. The Universe is limitless. It exploded around one hundred and fifty billion years ago. In the universe, a lot of stars and constellations turn around and around. Inside the universe, there are galaxies. A galaxy has a lot of constellations and planets. Our galaxy is named The Milky Way. Inside The Milky Way, we live in a place called our Solar System.
How did our Solar System appear? Something exploded and became tiny stars. The ingredients of the tiny stars are dust, rock, and ice. A tiny star crashed into another tiny star and they exploded. Then, the stars or planets were born.
In our Solar System, there are eight big planets and one dwarf planet. A dwarf planet is what we call a small planet. We live on Earth. The closest planet to the sun is Mercury; on the other side of Mercury, Venus; after Venus, Earth; past Earth, Mars; Then, Jupiter. Next to Jupiter is Saturn. After Saturn, Uranus; past Uranus, Neptune. The last planet, the dwarf planet is Pluto. Every planet has an orbit. All the planets’ orbit around the sun.
What is a black hole? Some scientists think a black hole is not real. But, a satellite took pictures of a black hole. How did scientists know it was a black hole? That is because light can’t go through, so they had proof they exist.
I think the most beautiful of the nine big planets is our planet – Earth. It’s a blue and green planet. It has a lot of animals and plants. The satellite orbiting our planet is our moon. I am afraid that if humans keep destroying our planet we won’t be able to get beautiful pictures of it from space. If we live on it, but don’t cherish it, one day in the near future we will not be able to live on Earth. Then, we will have to move to another planet. Please take care of it. If we do protect it, we can pass it on to our children. Then, they can help protect it for their children.
I like the universe. It’s interesting, don’t you think so? It’s mysterious and amazing. In the future, I want to be a scientist. I want to discover new and exciting things about our Universe. I like the Earth, our Solar System, the galaxy and the Universe! |
- Sep 03 Fri 2010 15:49
The Universe