
頭份建國分校 菁英班 2C Ina Chen


There were two children: a girl named Kitty, and a boy named Bob. They were good friends and always played with each other. One cold winter morning, Kitty shouted, “Snow!” Bob heard this and quickly woke up. He said, “So pretty!” They went outside and made a snowman. Bob made a big snowball and Kitty made a small one. They put the small snowball on the big one and then put a hat on the snowman.

Suddenly, their mother told them to come back, so they went home. That night, the snowman was very sad. One deer walked by. Its name was Max. Max said, “Hello,” but the snowman did not answer. Max saw that the snowman didn’t have a mouth, so Max gave him a cucumber and two chocolates. Now the snowman could see with his new chocolate eyes, and talk with the cucumber mouth. “Thank you,” said the snowman. “You’re welcome,” Max said before he went away.
The next morning, Kitty and Bob were sick so they didn’t go outside. But the snowman saw a flying animal. It was a bird called Emily. “Hello!” said Emily. “Hello”, the snowman answered. “My feathers are so soft. You can touch them!” said Emily. “Sorry,” the snowman said, “but I don’t have hands.” He was so sad. Emily said, “I’m going to build my nest, so I can give you two sticks to be your hands!” She flew away and came back with the sticks. She put the sticks on the snowman. “Bye! Bye!” said Emily. “Bye!” said the snowman. That night was very cold. He saw a rabbit hopping home. “Hello, my name is Dora,” said the rabbit. “Hello, I’m Snowman,” he said. Dora asked, “Why don’t you have a nose?” He replied, “Two children made my body, one deer gave me eyes and a mouth. A bird gave me my hands. I don’t have a nose.” Dora said, “I have some carrots. I can give you one!” “Thank you very much!” said the snowman. Dora placed the carrot on his face. The next morning, the kids ran outside. “A REAL SNOWMAN!” Kitty said. “THIS IS AMAZING!” Bob yelled. That day, the snowman was happy because he had a lot of friends.

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    American Eagle


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