
大里永隆分校 Intensive 3A Elma Chen


After I finish school, I would like to work as a chef. I've always loved cooking so I will enjoy learning how to cook all the yummy foods in the kitchen. It will be busy because I will choose to work in popular restaurants so I can improve my skills in all areas. I know it will be hard work and have to cook quickly all the time, but at the same time, I will have lots of fun while earning money.

After I make a lot of money, I would like to build my own beautiful restaurant. One of my favorite foods is spaghetti, so my restaurant will be a place where everyone can have their favorite spaghetti. If you love meat, you can order spaghetti Bolognese. If you love vegetables, you can order mushroom spaghetti. And if you love sweet things, you can order candy spaghetti!

My aim is to have a big restaurant with lots of friendly staff. The tables and chairs inside my restaurant will be colorful and pretty. The walls will have many plants, so it will be like eating inside a jungle. I think eating spaghetti inside a jungle will be very interesting! This is my special dream and hopefully I can make my dream come true.


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