獲選榮登Who’s Who in the World ( 2010年世界傑出名人錄)

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For over 100 years, Who's Who in America has provided accurate, concise biographies of notable Americans. That was the mission of founder, Albert Nelson Marquis, whose First Edition in 1899 featured 8,602 distinguished people. Today, the Marquis Who's Who family of directories has grown to include the biographies of millions of leaders and achievers from around the world, and from every significant field of endeavor.
百年來Who's Who in America 一直提供最為精準的美國名人傳記,首本名人錄係於1899年出版,共登載了8602位名人。時至今日,Who's Who in the World 的世界名人錄已經擴及全球名人,獲選者都是各行各業中的精英翹楚。

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