目前分類:小菁鷹創作中心 (79)

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士林天母分校 Intensive 2A Jason Luo

The tastiest food I've ever had was the tiramisu from Saizeriya. When I was six years old, I went to Saizeriya with my family to eat pasta. We ate three bowls of pasta. After we had finished eating, I said, “I’m not full!” My mom ordered a tiramisu for me. At that time I didn’t know what tiramisu was, but I knew that it would be yummy. The plate was clean in thirty seconds. Tiramisu is so yummy. It has chocolate and cake in it, and it’s so soft. I wish I could eat tiramisu everyday!

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If I Could Fly
大安仁愛分校 Immersion G3 Eunice Jiang

It would be great if I could fly. First, I would fly to school every day, so I would not be late. It would be better than walking. I would fly higher than Taipei 101 and enjoy the scenery on my way to school. If my mom or dad were almost late for work, I would take them to the sky and fly to their offices.

Next, I would like to see all the scenery of Taiwan at once. I would go on a trip and fly with my parents, my aunt, and my brother. We will visit many landmarks and eat delicious food. Last, I could even fly to other countries. Imagine flying to Japan or the United States for free! I would not need to pay for plane tickets because that would be a waste of money.\

In short, there are so many places I could go and things I could do if I could fly. Sometimes, I dream about flying when I sleep at night, and I wish I could actually fly!


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How to Save the Earth
汐止汐科分校 Intensive 2B Queena Chang

We should all take care of the planet Earth because we only have one. I like Earth and I want to help it. There are a lot of different ways to help save our planet. To save the earth, we should not waste water, we should recycle paper and we should stop pollution.

Firstly, we should not waste water because we want to sustain the planet. We need water to live so we must not abuse it. Secondly, we should begin to recycle paper because if we save the paper, then we can save the trees. Lastly, we should stop all types of pollutions. The ecosystems need to remain clean and pure. That's why we need to do our best to protect them, and if we do all of these things, we will have a better quality of life. It's in our hands!

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I Have a Dream
豐原瑞穗分校 Intensive 1C Jimmy Huang

I have a dream and I wish I can be a magician or an artist.

When I was three years old, I saw a magic show on TV. The show was great and it made me want to be a magician. I learn my magic tricks in summer camp and I practice it everyday. When I have time, I will show the magic tricks to my family. I want to be a magician so I can make all the people laugh.

I also want to be an artist, because I love to draw. I started drawing when I was two years old. I like to draw many things such as monsters and houses. I like to share my drawings with my friend Hank. When I am older, I wish I can go to an art school to study arts.

When I become famous, I will have a lot of money to buy a big house for my family and friends.

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桃園中山分校 Immersion G3 Felix Tuan

A Scary Story

L-L-Let me tell y-you a sc-cary story-y… Or is it? When I was in grade 2, my family went to United Kingdom to play. We used a car to drive around a lake. However, when I got out of the car, I heard my brother shout, “It’s a Loch Ness Monster!!”

“Where?” I shouted back.

“There!” he said, pointing at a fin sweeping across the water.

“No need to panic,” I said.

“It’s probably just a shark trapped in the lake. You know this is…”

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Dinosaur in the Backyard
桃園莊敬分校 Immersion G2 Melody

Wow! What is that?

It is so big and tall. “It is a dinosaur!” my brother said. He really knows a lot about dinosaurs. “What dinosaur is it?” I asked. “It is a T-Rex.” my brother answered. When my mom saw the dinosaur, she was so surprised. “I never knew there’s a dinosaur in our backyard.” When my dad saw it, he said ,”It’s so cool, but I don’t think we can have a dinosaur that lives in our backyard.” So we had to move the dinosaur away. Me and my brother were both very sad. “We want to play with the dinosaur.” my brother said sadly. “I want the dinosaur to stay, too!” I cried. But it was too late……

We were already on the car and going to our new home. Wow! When we arrived at our new house, we saw all surprises. This house was better than before!

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台中大墩分校 Intensive 2A Joanne Hung

My dad drove me to school on the first day of grade three at my Chinese school. I felt scared because I was changing to a new class and was getting a new teacher who I didn't know. I felt nervous, but I really wanted to go back to school. I haven't seen my friends and teachers for a long time because of COVID-19. My new class was on the third floor. My new teacher was super nice. The best part of my day was when I played with my old friends. At the end of the day, I had four new friends.

I hope I can meet more new friends. After Chinese school, I went to Eagle School and saw my old Eagle friends. We learnt English and played some fun games together. When I got home, I was tired but happy.

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台南歸仁分校 Intensive 3C Chris Fang

Once upon a time I received a ticket to visit Mars. When I entered the rocket, I felt quite anxious. "Would I meet an alien or die on Mars?" I thought to myself. As the countdown neared zero, I could hear and feel my heart beating. As soon as the rocket launched through the sky, I opened my eyes wide in amazement. The sky beyond the atmosphere in space was littered with many bright stars.

The instant my spacecraft landed, I could see that there were no aliens. The surface of Mars was as red as the sun. I got off the rocket at once and started jumping as high as I could. I also saw a trace of some liquid. That’s a groundbreaking discovery! It means we might live on Mars if the Earth is destroyed. When we left Mars, we went to NASA to study more about the Red Planet. I wish to return to Mars again sometime in the near future!

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蘆竹光明旗艦校 Intensive 3A Lucy Hsiao

The Chinese New Year’s weekend was very special. The funniest part was going to the Doraemon Amusement Park and watching YouTube. I saw a waterfall that wasn’t normal. It came from sink. Also, the thing I liked most was the Tilted Room. It gave me a headache, but it was very fun. When we walked into the Tilted House, we found that the level of the interior floor had changed, but the direction of gravity had not. Therefore, my body had difficulty in balancing. I could not see the outside environment from the closed, inclined house, and could not compare the level of the house. It was difficult for my body to coordinate with the indoor environment, and I was naturally shaken, and unsteady. My dad also said that along with the eyes, the ears also help you balance, so people with sensitive ears are prone to seasickness. Then we went to a skating rink to play, but it was too cool inside, so we left quickly. After that, we went home. This was a trip full of fun, but it was also a very tiring trip.


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信義光復分校 Intensive 4C Vincent Wang


Once upon a time, there was a tremendous amount of wolves. They were evil. The wolves were the people’s enemies. At night, they were very strong. They stole things and they burned a lot of houses. It made most of the people homeless. The homeless city people wanted to defeat them. So, some of the people with superpowers went and fought the evil wolves. Some of them had magic, others could see the future, the athletic ones were good at stealing things... They are starting their adventure now. Are you ready? They have a long way to go. Nevertheless, they are solving a variety of problems. They’re helping each other survive as they travel. They finally find where the wolves are in the old city. Every wolf has their own special talent. They fight arduously long battle. At last, they finally defeat the wolves! When they go back home, everyone is congratulating them. No one would ever dare to steal their things again.

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台南南科分校 Standard 2C Thomas Liao

I woke up late this morning. I walked to the living room, but nobody was there. I felt
very scared. I thought” Where was my family? Why did everyone disappear?” I looked
around my home, it was very dark and quiet…
Suddenly, many monsters ran toward me from behind! I shouted” HELP! HELP!
Please don’t eat me!” But the monsters still walked to me very slowly.
Finally, the monsters took off the covers of them…THEY WERE MY FAMILY!!! Then
they said” Happy Birthday, Thomas!” This was an unforgettable birthday memory to me!


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林口頭湖分校 Intensive 3A Anice

My favorite board game is “Ugly Doll”. I always have fun to play it with my dad and my brother. Sometimes I play Ugly Doll after finishing homework and sometimes I play it during the weekend. Whenever my family ask me what board game I would like to play? I always say “Ugly Doll!”
This game is easy to learn and everyone can enjoy playing it. Here are the rules to tell you how to play Ugly Doll. First, every player gets same amount of cards in the hands, and then takes turns giving one card out and putting it on the table. If you see three cards with same dolls showing on the table, you need quickly touch those 3 cards and shout “Ugly doll”. Finally, don’t forget to
collect those cards back as the winner is the one who has the m ost cards in the hands.
I really enjoy playing Ugly Doll with my family and friends in my spare time. It is fun and exciting to play and it is easy to carry too. You can play it whenever or wherever you want. Try and have fun then!



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台北西松分校 Intensive 2C Angela Chen

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My favorite hobbies are dancing and playing table tennis. I started to dance at the age of three and I have had a passion for it ever since. There is a performance every two years. Though it hurts a lot when we practice, we need to have patience. Everytime we have a show, we are better than the last show.
I also like to play table tennis. Playing table tennis can make me feel happy. Everytime I compete with my friend, I am so nervous. I don’t know whether I will win or not; everytime I lose, I need to practice more, but when I win, I am honored. If I can beat my friend unexpectedly, I will be so happy. I also feel that I need to study harder so that I can become a stronger person.


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大里永隆分校 Intensive 3A Elma Chen


After I finish school, I would like to work as a chef. I've always loved cooking so I will enjoy learning how to cook all the yummy foods in the kitchen. It will be busy because I will choose to work in popular restaurants so I can improve my skills in all areas. I know it will be hard work and have to cook quickly all the time, but at the same time, I will have lots of fun while earning money.

After I make a lot of money, I would like to build my own beautiful restaurant. One of my favorite foods is spaghetti, so my restaurant will be a place where everyone can have their favorite spaghetti. If you love meat, you can order spaghetti Bolognese. If you love vegetables, you can order mushroom spaghetti. And if you love sweet things, you can order candy spaghetti!

My aim is to have a big restaurant with lots of friendly staff. The tables and chairs inside my restaurant will be colorful and pretty. The walls will have many plants, so it will be like eating inside a jungle. I think eating spaghetti inside a jungle will be very interesting! This is my special dream and hopefully I can make my dream come true.


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新莊昌平分校 Intensive 3C Sean Huang


A lot of humans want to go on and explore Mars, so do I! I want to be the first human to step on Mars. We will put on a huge flag of Taiwan. We will finish two missions. Number One, stay on Mars for a week. Number Two, be friends of Martians.
I will go to NASA. I will be trained for a long time, and I will need to learn a lot. I will learn hard for getting better, so I could be the first human to step on Mars. Maybe, I'm the first child on Mars!
I will drive the space shuttle and do analysis of Mars’soil and air. We will bring a Mars rover, and go to many places on Mars. Maybe, we could also jump in a volcano!
If I could go on Mars, I would want to go with my family and friends. We won’t just work on Mars; we will play on it. I bet it will be a lot of fun!
But, before those days come, I will need to grow up to become a space man (or a space kid).


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彰化民生分校 Intensive 5A Yennie Kuo


The most important person in my l i f e i s my best friend, Pinky. She is important to me because she’s nice, kind, and smart.
Pinky is such a nice person. She always helps me when I have a problem. She also always plays with me, too. During a school break, I was very bored. I called Pinky and asked if she wanted to play ball with me. She was more than happy to come to my house to play.
Pinky is kind enough to share. She always comes to me first when she has something to eat. When I’m very hungry and have nothing to eat, I ask Pinky if she has any cookies. If she does, she will share with me.
Pinky is always the top in her class for exam scores. She's very smart. In every subject, Pinky is better than me. Recently, Pinky scored 100% on her science exam! It was the best score in the class.
Pinky is a friend who I will always cherish in my life.


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中壢信義分校 Intensive 3A James Fan

My new friend’s name is Adrian. He is twenty-three years old. He has short, black hair. He has big eyes and wears glasses. He likes to play basketball. We play basketball together. He is a teacher at Eagle School.
He is very strong, he wants to be an NBA basketball player, or a pilot like my future dream. I play sports with him every weekday. He also likes to play board games and we sometimes talk about board games.
He teaches me how to play basketball and how to play special board games. We will go to America to watch NBA next year and we will stay in America for twenty days. We will buy many NBA things like NBA basketball and NBA shirt. It will be a fun trip and we will enjoy the trip. I am looking forward to having this trip.
I hope we can go to different countries every year. We can be basketball players in the same NBA team or be pilots in the same Airline.
We do many interesting things together. Adrian is my new friend and best friend.


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蘆竹光明旗艦校 Intensive 3B Charlie Lai

One day, my mom told me to fetch a box. When I went into the garage, I found a huge door. The door looked like a mirror. I wanted to go inside to see what was in there.
When I went in, I felt very hot. I thought I had gone back in time to when dinosaurs were still alive. I said to myself that it was too dangerous here, but when I wanted to go back to my home, the door was gone! I was in a forest. I walked around the forest, and I heard something roaring. I went toward the sound to see what was wrong. I saw a huge brachiosaurus, but I didn’t think it could see me because it was so tall. All I wanted to do was to find the secret door. At last, I found the secret door, but the brachiosaurus was chasing me. I quickly jumped through the secret door and went back home. I don’t think I will tell anyone about the secret door because it is very dangerous.


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新竹關埔旗艦校 Intensive 3B Angela Chen

On Saturday I happily walked to school in the sunny weather. I was in a very happy mood. When I got there, I saw that there were no people. This made me scared, so I quickly walked to my classroom. When I went in, I noticed that a new door had appeared! The door had a small window in it and it was very dark when I looked through it. I didn’t know what to do, but I decided it was best for me to go in and look to see if this was where all my friends had gone. Once I walked through, I was in a new and incredible world! Everything around me was so big and green and it reminded me of a jungle. There were some insects jumping and flying around. Some of the insects were even bigger than me! I thought I would be scared but actually I found it very exciting. A giant butterfly landed next to me. I climbed onto its back and hoped it would let me fly. But it didn’t and all the insects started to get furious with me. They buzzed at me angrily and chased me away. I ran and ran until I reach a big field which had a kind dinosaur in it. The dinosaur saw the insects and roared at them until they flew away frightened. The dinosaur kindly let me sit on it and we walked through the strange world I was in.
As we walked, I saw a little house. The dinosaur and I went over to it and I climbed down from his back. I looked inside the window and I could see all my classmates! I went in and everyone was so happy to see me. I thought that I had been inside the secret door for hours and hours, but once we walked down out of it, it had only been five minutes in the real world. I wonder what will happen next time I go in?


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松山民生分校 - Intensive 3B  Sophie Yu

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A long time ago, there was a family that lived in West Virginia. This family had a girl named Tina, and a boy named Mark. Their family name was Parker. They were a happy family. They just moved to a new house, but under their house, there were dinosaur’s bones. No one ever knew that there were dinosaurs living in West Virginia. After they moved there, the neighbors told the Parker family that there was a building work beside their house. The neighbors said, “It’s almost done, it will be finished in one week. During the day, it might be a little noisy.” In the beginning, they didn’t mind the noise from the backyard, but they didn’t know that the noise was not because of the building work. 
One week later, the building work was done, but the backyard still had a strange sound sometimes. One day, Tina and Mark went out to see what had happened outside. When Tina and Mark were outside, they saw a tiny red dinosaur. It had wings and could fly. It also had big, beautiful, blue eyes. “Amazing! A dinosaur is in our backyard!” Mark said. “We should tell Mom!” said Tina. When Mom heard that, she was so surprised. She told her husband, Mr. Parker, to find a paleontologist and see if the paleontologist could help them. The paleontologist was so happy that he could do an experiment on a real dinosaur. 
The paleontologist used a special device to put microchips into the dinosaur’s body and he wanted to free the dinosaur in the forest after all the scientific examination of its health condition. But before that, Tina and Mark wanted to play with the dinosaur for a few days. The paleontologist said,” You can both go to watch the dinosaur every day if you want to.” Then, Tina and Mark played with the dinosaur in the paleontologist’s laboratory before it was released to the forest, and they thought the dinosaur was their pet, so they gave it a name, Jim. Later, Tina and Mark could see Jim after school, and they could ask Jim to sit down and even ride on him. This was the coolest thing that ever happened in their life. 


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