板橋中山分校 Kyle 林主任

My work, my life, my commitment career. 自己沒有孩子,每天卻被一大堆小毛頭圍繞著;明明人在台灣,每天英文卻要說的比中文更多。這就是我的工作、我的生活,更是我的志業!

Why English education? 歷經十幾年外商大公司的經驗,累積足夠的管理能量以及資源,但因為喜歡孩子,峰迴路轉之後終於找到教育事業,成為我的true calling。在耕耘美語教育領域時,更深刻體會到語言是一把最重要的鑰匙,讓我能夠在許多方面,都有比別人更多的機會,包括享受最豐富的教育資源、更多元的工作選擇以及順暢的職場發展、甚至於生活體驗方面也能看到更寬廣的世界!因此,我立志要把這把鑰匙鑄得更亮,交給我們下一代。

Why American Eagle? 踏入美語教育,一開始,也是選擇市場上的中階品牌,經營上也很有成效,但,到了我的第三間美語學校,我瞄準了心中的目標,市場上的高階領導品牌~弋果美語。許多坊間美語機構,都是在用「補習班」的思維經營,但,在弋果,我的定位是「美語學校」,這樣的高度,讓我自己對各方面的標準都必須大大提升,也讓我覺得,有更多的事情可以為孩子而做。


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新竹科園旗艦校 菁英3C1 Halu Huang

I still remember my best day ever at school. It was one year ago. It was also a windy day in Hsinchu City.
I arrived at school at 7:00 a.m. It was earlier than before. When I went into the class, I talked to my friends. It was the exam day. My friends were very nervous about the exam but not me. One reason was when we finished the exam, we had no homework to do, and we could play whole day at school. Another reason was that we had a party after the exam! We could bring many things to eat, and we played a lot. So after the exam, we ate cookies and candy and played board games all day long.
We will have another exam again soon. I hope it can come quickly, because after that, we can have another fun day at school.


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苗栗竹南分校 菁英1A KiKi Chung 爸爸

My daughter, Kiki, attended American Eagle Institute (AEI) Chunan Branch 1 year ago. As a Taiwanese parent, English education is always a major issue. Before entering AEI, Kiki had studied English at a local kindergarten for about two years but her progress was limited. After she has gone to elementary school, I seriously considered what is the best circumstance and method of learning English. We looked at the AEI website and consulted with our friends in Chunan about English learning. Now Kiki has studied at AEI for 1 year. I can clearly see her progress. Sometimes she will share her experience at AEI. She says that AEI is so fun that she can play and learn in English. In my point of view, I only wish that my daughter has a happy learning experience especially regarding English. If she can enjoy learning English at first, she will master the language in her future. At AEI, all of the curriculum and activities are suitable for my goal. Everyday when I pick her up at AEI, she will tell me what is happening and what fun it is at AEI. That is my expectation.
Meanwhile, there are many activities for learning English. Kiki has participated in the Speaking Contest this semester. For the Speaking Contest, she not only practices her poem at school but also performs at home. When she comes home, she will say “Daddy and Mommy! Let me show you my poem.” We always enjoy her performance and the learning process. Kiki has achieved a lot in English. I would like to suggest that all of the parents with kids under 12 years old to let your kids start learning English as young as possible, because their brains are suitable for learning a new language. Secondly, choosing a good learning environment is so important for nurturing their English skills. Most cram schools are good for learning “English” subject not learning English. At AEI, pupils use English to learn subjects but don’t use Chinese to learn English. That is the significant difference between AEI and other cram schools. Otherwise, I would like to thank teacher Sara and other staff of the AEI Chunan branch. Because of you, Kiki has deeply fallen in love with English.


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新竹香山分校 Intensive 4A Bosen Hsu

I’ve always wanted to do magic. I love tricks and illusions, and I would love to have special powers to control time, the actions of objects and other people, and to read their minds. It would be an awesome responsibility to have these powers. Don’t worry, I would use my powers for good. Maybe.
If I could control time, I would go back and see the dinosaurs. Don’t worry, I will bring one back for everyone to see. I would also stop time during exams and quizzes, so I can check my books and always answer the questions correctly. During Chinese New Year, I will stop time so we can all have an extra long holiday.
If I could control the actions of objects and other people, in the morning I could just move my fingers and the toothbrush will fly into my hand. With a wave of my hand, my toast will be in the toaster and all my homework will be completed. If an accident or plane crash is about to occur, being able to stop time and control objects will help everyone avoid disasters.
If I could read the minds of others, I can tell if people are holding secrets, good and bad. I can tell what my mom will not tell me. I can tell when teachers want to give us a lot of homework. I can even help solve crimes. When a criminal will not confess, or if police think he is lying, I can help them solve the case.
These powers, if used for good, would be great to have. If used for bad, that might be fun, too. Again, please do not worry. I “promise” to be good with these powers.


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松山民生分校 Immersion G1 Ray Huang媽媽



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大里永隆分校 Kammy 李主任



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哈佛大學閱讀專家J. Chall指出,愈是年幼的孩子,聽覺理解的程度愈強,遠超過視覺的閱讀能力,因此,聽故事為孩子的閱讀能力奠定了重要先機。為了啟發更多孩子的閱讀興趣,弋果故事列車從臺北站起跑,一路巡迴至新竹、臺中,場場爆滿,透過音樂、故事、手作的帶領,讓大小朋友在繪本世界裡不設限地盡情漫遊。
近年臺南市政府積極推動英語成為第二官方語言,此次,弋果榮幸獲「第二官方語言行動計畫」邀請,參加「2018臺南市英語閱讀季」活動,暑假期間弋果故事列車將開往臺南,一連三場由專業外籍教師接力說故事,運用生動有趣的內容,讓孩子從歡樂和生活化的情境中學習英語。詳細資訊請上活動網站查詢 https://bit.ly/2KkneQG


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弋果年度品牌活動「Leader Is Reader弋起樂讀」系列活動,從三月進行至今,已成功激發孩子對閱讀的興趣,閱讀素養點滴累積,在Story Rewriting National Competition英文名著創意改編寫作比賽中完全展現。各校高手齊聚臺北、新竹、臺南三地,同學們透過之前閱讀的經典名著,進行創意改編,這不僅考驗著閱讀理解力,也讓弋果小菁鷹們盡情發揮創意。



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台中崇德分校 Standard 4B Mickey

When I was walking in the deep, dark forest with my silly friend Henry, we discovered something magical! As I looked down at my feet, I saw a wooden stick, as thin as a tree’s branch.
Looking closer, we noticed this was no ordinary stick! This was a magic wand! We knew this when I carefully picked it up. We thought about the movie. We waved this mystery stick, then said something not in
English,”@#ABC*?QTAT!” I thought about a toad, and Henry thought about a firefly. So, I turned into a fat, yucky toad, and Henry turned into a crazy firefly, just like a flying cockroach! I said it again, “@#ABC*?QTAT!” Henry and I turned back to humans. We thought we could take the train to Hogwarts Magic School! It’s cool! Then, we used the magic wand to teleport back to Taichung. “Amazing!” we shouted. Then we turned invisible, and ran very fast around the world. When we got back to Taiwan, we met an ugly, stupid witch. She told us that the magic wand belongs to her, so we gave it back to her. This was no ordinary walk through the forest. I’ll never forget it.


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